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Retired Adult Star Jennifer Steele Mondello to Appear at Exxxotica this Weekend

AANAdult NewsPornPorn News

New York, NY (October 21, 2022) –Retired porn star, activist and author Jennifer Steele Mondello will be appearing at the Exxxotica Expo in Edison, NJ this weekend appearing at the A. Luv Media booth #1135 signing copies of her book, Adult Agency: A Memoir and available for autographs and photographs.

“This is my first Exxxotica and I am so excited to meet everyone,” says Jennifer. “I will have my book Adult Agency and I look forward to many great conversations about it. Special thanks to gorgeous Alana Luv for having me at the A. Luv Media booth!”

Adult Agency is about the importance of respecting boundaries as illustrated by her ten years in the porn industry, and of which the inciting incident is an attack by porn star Ron Jeremy. Since her attack in 1997, she’s been an outspoken victim-witness against Ron Jeremy’s behavior.

Jennifer’s exclusive interview with The Daily Beast can be read here https://www.thedailybeast.com/ron-jeremy-rape-accuser-jennifer-steele-mondello-comes-forward-says-i-wondered-if-he-planned-to-kill-me

Upon posting Adult Agency on Amazon for preorder, the memoir immediately became the number one new release about pornography.

For more information on Edison Exxxotica Expo go here https://exxxoticaexpo.com/location/edison-nj/

You may follow Exxxotica on www.exxxoticaexpo.com on Twitter at https://twitter.com/EXXXOTICA on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/exxxotica/ on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/CelebrateSexy

You may follow A. Luv Media on www.aluvmedia.com on Twitter at https://twitter.com/ALuvMedia and on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/aluvmedia/

To purchase your copy of Adult Agency: A Memoir go here https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B9HCD829?ref_=pe_3052080_276849420

For more information on Jennifer Steele Mondello go here http://www.jennifermondello.com/ and for more information on Sturdy Stairs go here http://sturdystairs.com/

You may follow Jennifer Steele Mondello on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/therealjennifersteele/ and on Twitter at www.Twitter.com/Jennifer090311

About Jennifer Steele Mondello

Jennifer Steele Mondello is a former adult entertainer and fire performer turned author and adult talent advocate. Her memoir, ADULT AGENCY is about the importance of respecting boundaries as illustrated by her ten years in the porn industry, and of which the inciting incident is an attack by porn star Ron Jeremy. Jennifer has a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature and has been attending Eckerd College’s Writers in Paradise program for several years. She’s developing a set survey website for adult talent at sturdystairs.com set to go live in January 2023. Jennifer currently resides in the Tampa Bay Area with her family and her dog, Buster.