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Top 20 TV Shows of All Time

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This was from a Parade magazine list and has been updated through 2022. Of all the various lists, this was the closest to being the best. One important note.  The reason the #1 show has the least Emmy wins and noms is because the Emmys began as a local award in 1949. As TV grew, in 1951 it became a national award with only eight categories. From the late 50’s to today they have continued to add more and more categories. With the advent of cable, streaming, etc. it has also allowed for even more categories and productions to be included in the Emmy voting. As of 2022 these are the shows and numbers of noms and wins.

1.  I Love Lucy (1951-1957) 20 nominations; 4 wins

2. The Carol Burnett Show (1967–78) 70 nominations; 25 wins

3. The Mary Tyler Moore Show (1970–77) 67 nominations; 29 wins

4. All in the Family (1971–79) 55 nominations; 22 wins

5. M*A*S*H (1972–83) 109 nominations; 14 wins

6. Saturday Night Live (1975– ) 306 nominations; 78 wins

7. Taxi (1978–83) 34 nominations; 18 wins

8. Hill Street Blues (1981–87)  98 nominations; 26 wins

9. Cheers (1982–1993) 117 nominations; 28 wins

10. The Simpsons (1989– ) 97 nominations; 35 wins

11. NYPD Blue (1993–2005) 84 nominations; 20 wins

12. Friends (1994–2004) 62 nominations; 6 wins

13. ER (1994–2009) 124 nominations; 23 wins

14. The West Wing (1999–2006) 95 nominations; 26 wins

15. The Sopranos (1999–2007) 112 nominations; 21 wins

16. 30 Rock (2006–13) 103 nominations; 16 wins

17. Mad Men (2007–15) 116 nominations; 16 wins

18. Modern Family (2009– ) 82 nominations; 22 wins

19. Game of Thrones (2011–2019) 161 nominations; 47 wins

20. Veep (2012–19) 68 nominations; 17 wins

Here is the link: https://parade.com/924232/maramovies/best-tv-shows-of-all-time/ This will give you a lot more information on each of the shows. I am sure we all have our own ideas but this list is pretty close to what our preferences would have been. We hope you enjoyed this, have a great week everyone.