SWSK – Funny Names of Towns

Just think you have it great if you live in a town or city with an easy, ordinary, and even bland name. But what about the people that live in towns where the name is funny, has a double meaning, scary or just downright dumb? We found a list of fifty, one for each state, but believe us when we say there are heck of a lot more strange names to go around. So here are just some of them.

Screamer, Alabama – Bet people keep their windows shut in that town because it could get very noisy.

No Name, Colorado – Imagine getting lost and asking someone for directions and they say “Where to?” and you have to answer with “Uh, no Name.”

Ketchuptown, South Carolina – The folks at Hienz must love this place, as long at they don’t put it on hot dogs!

Climax, New York – Now that could be pleasurable but what is even more fitting is the town just before it is called “Surprise”!

Two Egg, Florida – So I guess all egg orders in restaurants ion town are two eggs only.

Bat Cave, North Carolina – No, it’s not that bat cave. Bruce Wayne doesn’t even live there.

Slickpoo, Idaho – Uh oh, better watch where your walking in this town. It could be a little messy.

Bumpass, Virginia – We would imagine people in that town don’t want to discuss the town name. After all they might become the butt of many jokes.

Boring Maryland – this must be a great town for people who don’t like to go out, have fun, socialize and just keep to themselves.

Knockemstiff, Ohio – Get the feeling that a lot of fisticuffs goes on in this little town?

Intercourse, Pennsylvania – Nope, we are not gonna do it. Make up your own joke.

Ding Dong, Texas – So where in the state is this ringy ding ding town located? In Bell County, where else.

Humptulips, Washington – Okay, we know people have a lot of fetishes when it come to sex, but this is really weird!

There you have just a few of the fifty listed inj this report. Each of them has the history to the name, so check out the entire list, it definitely interesting and informative. Go to: https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/502251/funniest-town-name-all-50-states#:~:text=The%20Funniest%20Town%20Name%20in%20All%2050%20States.,5.%20CALIFORNIA%20%2F%2F%20ROUGH%20AND%20READY.%20More%20items

SWSK – Funny Names of Towns

SWSK – Funny Names of Towns