Silverstein Legal Alert! Utah Introduces Age Verification Bills

Heads up folks, after Louisiana’s age verification law (ACT No. 440) went into effect at the beginning of the year, copycat legislation has been pouring in.

This time, the State of Utah has decided to jump on to the bandwagon and has introduced two bills that could have disastrous implications on the adult entertainment industry.

First, SB152, would require social media companies to use age verification to prevent minors from signing up without their parents’ permission and would prohibit companies from collecting or selling personal data of minors. SB152 is still in its infancy and is headed to the Utah Senate floor for further consideration.

Second, HB311, would completely ban those under the age of 16 from joining social media platforms and require parental consent for those between ages 16 and 18. HB311 is also in its infancy and has yet to be assigned to a committee.

Both SB152 and HB311 need to be closely monitored, and we encourage you to contact us today if you’d like to discuss either of these laws in greater detail and how they may impact your business.

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The post Silverstein Legal Alert! Utah Introduces Age Verification Bills appeared first on Adult Industry News.


Silverstein Legal Alert! Utah Introduces Age Verification Bills