Most of us check the “use by” date on the package, bag, can or container before we buy it. In many cases a lot of products are just fine 2, 3, 4 or more days after the date printed on the item. But there are some food items that have a “forever” shelf life way beyond what is printed on the package. Before you start to throw away things in your pantry or fridge here are 15 of those “forever” food items. Some may be obvious, some may surprise you. There many more and we have the links below so you can check out the entire lists.

Honey – It carries antiviral and antibacterial properties and has a near-infinite shelf life. It may get grainy, hard, or change color, but its antibiotic properties protect the taste and keep it from spoiling

Sugar – Believe it or not, sugar doesn’t ever go bad and can last forever. To keep it from hardening, store it in an airtight container or seal it in a plastic bag.

Soy Sauce – A very popular sauce for many kinds of dishes, it can last forever if it remains unopened. Once opened and kept in the fridge it will last up to three years and still have its entire flavor.

Mustard – Unopened mustard can last for up to three years. Once the seal is cracked, it will last about a year before it goes bad, although some opened varieties can last for up to two years.

Rice – Basmati, wild, jasmine and white rice all keep for years, so long as they remain tightly sealed. Once you open the box or bag, store the rice in an airtight container or a freezer bag to keep the grains fresh. The only type of rice that does not apply is fiber-rich brown rice. It contains oils in it that cause it to go rancid after  six months.

 Canned Tuna – According to the USDA, low-acid canned goods like vegetables, meat, and fish stay fresh for up to five years. That’s because they’re sterile, making it impossible for bacteria to intrude and ruin them.

Powdered Milk – Because powdered milk has zero moisture, it’s able to stay safe-to-eat and use for anywhere from two to ten years on end.

Instant Coffee –  Most people can’t stand to drink it, but a lot of cooks and bakers use it in various recipes. Kept in an airtight container, instant coffee will stay fresh and usable for two years.

Olives – These can be kept for up to three years and will still have their full taste. Just make sure the jar lid is on tight.

Marinara Sauce – According to some chefs, because of its makeup, this sauce, when kept tightly closed can last up to three years.

Ramen Noodles – A big favorite with the college crowd, these noodles can last for decades as long as the packages they come in are airtight and not damaged.

Corn Starch – Not something used every day, but as long as it is stored in a cool, dry place, cornstarch can last indefinitely and always be effective.

Canned Goods – They are good for up to five years. (See canned tuna above).

Popcorn – As long as they are stored in an airtight container, popcorn kernels will last indefinitely. So those sealed packs you have in your cabinet will still be good years from now.

Canned Tomatoes – While they have an expiration date, as long as they remain in an unopened can they will remain good to go for two years.

Those are just some of the items you can keep ‘forever”. There are a lot more and you can find them at these different sites……       ,  also check out: