Art’s World – Togetherness

As we get nearer to Christmas there are a lot of things that are different than it has been the past couple of years, due to the pandemic. The stores and malls seem to be more crowded with shoppers, there is more traffic on the road and restaurants seem to be doing very good business for the most part. But one thing I have noticed is that a number of this year’s TV Christmas commercials have centered on a theme……….bringing people together. That is something this administration cannot seem to do, or wants to do.

Of course we have to mention Publix, whose commercials always tell a story about family, togetherness, love and caring in just one minute. There are no voice overs touting the store, just the short story and they are always beautifully done. There are the short story ten and thirty second commercials from Hobby Lobby that are also very touching and real about togetherness. There is a brand new one from Toyota trucks that will move you to tears. While the truck is featured, not one word is about the truck instead it all revolves around a touching story of love, caring and togetherness. The only mention of Toyota is when the brand logo is flashed on the screen at the very end. To me it is one of the best Christmas commercials airing this year. There are a few of others as well, like the Kohl’s commercial, but these stand out. The theme of togetherness, caring and love at a time like now with the country so divided and an administration that is bumbling its way through each day creating more problems that are a detriment to every American, makes these holiday messages so much more important in telling us how it should, and can, be in this country.

As you watch your favorite shows on TV, please pay attention to some of these meaningful commercials. The simple fact that they do not bombard you about the product but let the story say everything just shows that they “get it” and know what gets through to people, even if the politicians don’t. I am sure there will be a few more to come to help further this idea of togetherness, caring and love. But it should not be just for the holidays, but the way it should be all year round.

Have a great holiday season, stay well, stay safe and be thankful for all we do have. Hopefully this new Omicron variant will not impair this holiday season, but please be aware. “Together” we can beat anything that comes our way just as we have done in the past.

Art Koch, National Features & DVD Editor, NightMoves Magazine and AAN

Art’s World – Togetherness

Art’s World – Togetherness