Art’s World – Happy Thanksgiving!

For the first time in a several years, tomorrow will be the first real Thanksgiving taking place since the pandemic. The skies, roads and rails will be jam packed with people going on long trips to celebrate with family and friends, something that had been missing for the past couple of years and took a lot of joy and happiness out of the holiday season. Once again turkey day with all the trimmings, parades and football will be celebrated by families and friends that are happily going to be able to all get together again to enjoy this holiday.

Whether it is planes, trains or automobiles the roadways, rails and sky are going to be very busy throughout the entire country. Even though prices have gone up for everything like airline fares, gas for the automobile, hotels, rentals, etc. people are just glad to get back to some sort of normalcy. Let’s face it, the past few years have brought on a lot of depression, frayed nerves, senseless killings, more than enough illness with the various “bugs” and lives turned upside down through a variety of reasons. Now, as we head into the major holiday season, people are breathing a bit of a sigh of relief. They know it will cost more for everything, but that is also the price of trying to get lives back to normal.

Unlike many who will be going on long trips for the holiday, Carole and I will be making a 20 mile drive over to Palm Harbor for Thanksgiving to spend with my second family, the Cianci’s and we are looking forward to it as always. Wherever all of you are spending your Thanksgiving holiday, we hope you have a great time, enjoy all the food, football, family, friendship and loved ones. Above all, please stay safe, especially during your travel times as it will get crazy out there.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Art Koch, National Features & DVD Editor, NightMoves Magazine and AAN

Art’s World – Happy Thanksgiving!

Art’s World – Happy Thanksgiving!