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Missa X Jimmy Michaels, Liz Jordan Study Hard

MissaX Jimmy Michaels, Liz Jordan Study Hard

New update from MissaX is Jimmy Michaels, Liz Jordan in Study Hard.

Study Hard
Jimmy Michaels, Liz Jordan
Runtime: 42:11
Release Date: 02/17/2024


Mrs. Jordan is taken aback by his forwardness, but also intrigued by his proposal. She is a single mother struggling to make ends meet and the thought of her son being expelled from school is terrifying. She knows that she needs to do whatever it takes to save her son's education. Jimmy's touch sends a shiver down her spine and she can't help but feel a sense of desperation and lust. As he continues to seduce her with his words, she starts to feel a heat between her legs and a desire to please him. She knows it's wrong, but the thought of being able to help her son and satisfy her own needs is too tempting to resist. Jimmy takes advantage of her vulnerability and suggests that they come to a private agreement, where he will overlook her son's actions in exchange for her company. Mrs. Jordan knows that this is crossing a line, but she also knows that she doesn't have any other options. She reluctantly agrees, and Jimmy's hands travel up her body, igniting a fire within her. See it first on UpdatesZ.com

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