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Freeze Clemence Audiard, Sam Bourne – Taxi Driver

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Freeze Clemence Audiard, Sam Bourne Taxi Driver

Freeze Clemence Audiard, Sam Bourne Taxi Driver

New update from Freeze is Clemence Audiard, Sam Bourne in Taxi Driver.

Taxi Driver
Clemence Audiard, Sam Bourne
Runtime: 18:20
Release Date: November 24, 2023


Clemence Audiard is an independent, self-made woman with a big attitude and Sam Bourne, her cab driver, doesn't seem to appreciate it. On the way to her house, Sam decides to take matters into his own hands. He takes out his magic credit card terminal and freezes her in her seat. He then carries her out of the cab and into her house. As he walks into her house, he is met with a loud gasp from Clemence, who is taken back by her cab driver's boldness. The house is a big, classy one, and it seems that Clemence's success has granted her a home to be proud of. Sam looks around in awe and can't help but feel a little bit of admiration for this self-made woman. He sets her down and takes his leave, not sure what to make of the situation. As Clemence regains her composure, she can't help but be a bit grateful for her cab driver's actions, even if it came at an unexpected cost. See it first on UpdatesZ.com

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