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EvolvedFightsLez Bella Rossi, Daisy Ducati – Bella Rossi vs Daisy Ducati

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Evolved Fights Lez Bella Rossi, Daisy Ducati Bella Rossi vs Daisy Ducati

EvolvedFightsLez Bella Rossi, Daisy Ducati Bella Rossi vs Daisy Ducati

New update from EvolvedFightsLez is Bella Rossi, Daisy Ducati in Bella Rossi vs Daisy Ducati.

Bella Rossi vs Daisy Ducati
Bella Rossi, Daisy Ducati
Runtime: N/A
Release Date: 03/06/2024


Bella Rossi's presence in this tournament is no surprise, as she has proven time and time again that she is a force to be reckoned with in the wrestling world. In this match, she enters with a clear goal in mind: to take down her opponent, Daisy, by any means necessary. From the moment the bell rings, Bella is on the offensive, throwing out submission after submission and landing them with precision and power. It's clear that she has studied Daisy's weaknesses and is determined to exploit them to her advantage. But Daisy is no pushover either. She responds to Bella's attacks with her own, using her impressive strength and agility to counter and even overpower her opponent at times. The back and forth between these two powerhouses is intense, as they both refuse to back down. The crowd is on the edge of their seats, knowing that this is a match that could go either way. See it first on UpdatesZ.com

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