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DigitalPlayground Luna Star – The Shakedown – Episode 2

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Digital Playground Luna Star The Shakedown - Episode 2

DigitalPlayground Luna Star The Shakedown – Episode 2

New update from DigitalPlayground is Luna Star in The Shakedown – Episode 2.

The Shakedown – Episode 2
Luna Star
Runtime: N/A
Release Date: 12/2023


Tommy is a master manipulator, using her charm and seductive ways to lure Werner into her devious plan. She knows how to work her way into his trust and gain access to his riches. Werner, being an older and wealthy man, is often seen as an easy target for con artists like Tommy. Little does he know, she has a partner in crime waiting in the wings, ready to pounce on the opportunity to steal his money. Max is just as cunning and sly as Tommy, and together they make a formidable team. As Tommy enters Werner's luxurious room, she wastes no time in putting her plan into action. She changes into alluring lingerie, knowing it will distract and entice Werner. She then proceeds to tie him to a chair, ensuring that he is completely at her mercy. Werner, being caught off guard by Tommy's sudden actions, can do nothing but watch as she moves closer to him, her seductive smile never leaving her face. But little does Werner know, Max is just a few steps away, waiting for the right moment to strike. As Tommy continues to work her magic on Werner, Max sneaks in and quickly gets the code to the safe. With a swift move, he gags Werner with his own tie, rendering him unable to call for help or stop their plan. Tommy and Max then proceed to empty the safe, spreading the cash all over the bed. The thrill of getting their hands on such a large sum of money fills them with excitement and they can't help but indulge in their success. See it first on UpdatesZ.com

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