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BackroomCastingCouch Nina – Dickmatized

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Backroom Casting Couch Nina Dickmatized

BackroomCastingCouch Nina Dickmatized

New update from BackroomCastingCouch is Nina in Dickmatized.

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Runtime: 01:08:00
Released: May 15, 2023

Sweet 19 year old Nina is next up on the couch. She works at a restaurant like most young people do for their first job. Nina is quite the cutie -she’s bubbly, animated, and has a great attitude. When she first walked in the room, I noticed the large crucifix hanging from her neck, and all I could think was, “that thing isn’t going to save you today young lady” (spoiler: it doesn't). From there, Rick gets her on the couch and awayyyy we go! As I mentioned, she’s an interesting character who lost her virginity in a high school bathroom (!). When it’s time to show off that body, it sure is a treat. You’ve just gotta love those hard teen bodies. Next, it's the vibrators and butt plugs we all love. She loves that vibrator so much that she gives herself an orgasm before we really get this party started. Something that really stood out to me, is when she finds out she’s gotta blow me,. You can see in her face she’s trying to work out if this is something she’s willing to do. While she’s pondering, you'll hear her tap tap tapping on that butt plug. How fucking hot is that? When it’s time to fuck – she does not disappoint. She’s got a great command of my cock and apparently I’m the first white guy she’s had. I’ll take this great responsibility seriously . This girl is something else though, she thoroughly takes my dick and begs for more. It’s also very flattering how complementary she is, she’s legit having a good time. I’m not gonna gush too much more. I’ll just let you watch how we put this sweet gal through the ringer. I finish her off with a nice facial, then set her on the couch with a dickmatized look on her face. Finally, we have her dress back up in those pretty pink panties and away she goes.<3 Cam

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