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AdultTime Transfixed Emma Rose, King Noire – Glutes To See You

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Transfixed Emma Rose, King Noire Glutes To See You

Transfixed Emma Rose, King Noire Glutes To See You

New update from Transfixed is Emma Rose, King Noire in Glutes To See You.

Glutes To See You
Emma Rose, King Noire
Runtime: 32:32
Release Date: 2023-09-16


Two workout-buddies, Emma Rose and King Noire, work up a sweat riding their bikes outside, then return to one of their houses. They are both wearing skin-tight cyclist outfits that flatter their bodies, but they seem to have a platonic relationship to start and don't seem to be eyeing each other up and down quite yet. They small-talk about their recent activity of cycling, which King started doing first but Emma has really taken to. In fact, she's been going cycling a LOT more than him in the past couple of months and has really embraced the hobby. Emma makes a side-comment about her glutes, but it causes King to pay attention to her in a way he never had before. Emma remarks that cycling so much has been great, although the one downside is that it's left her butt always sore and sometimes chafed – which can be a real pain-in-the-butt, pun intended! King can't help but remark that her glutes have REALLY developed since she started cycling often. See it first on UpdatesZ.com

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