What Is Our Real Name?

Ever since the advent of movies and the Broadway stage many performers changed their names to make it easier to remember and for the marquee. Over the years a number of performers have kept their original names like Faye Dunaway,  Nicole Kidman, Leonardo DiCaprio, Sharon Stone and many others. Here are 25 performers whose real names you may not know.

  1. Steveland Judkins – Stevie Wonder

2. Paul David Hewson — Bono

3. Mark Sinclair — Vin Diesel

4. Natalie Hershlag — Natalie Portman

5. John Roger Stephens — John Legend

6. Peter Gene Hernandez — Bruno Mars

7. Eileen Edwards — Shania Twain

8. Maurice Micklewhite — Michael Caine

9. Caryn Elaine Johnson — Whoopi Goldberg

10. Tara Patrick — Carmen Electra

11. Chaim Witz — Gene Simmons

12. Eric Marlon Bishop — Jamie Foxx

13. Margaret Hyra — Meg Ryan

14. Declan Patrick McManus — Elvis Costello

15. Richard Starkey — Ringo Starr

16. Katheryn Hudson — Katy Perry

17. Shawn Corey Carter — Jay Z

18. Robyn Fenty — Rihanna

19. Alicia Augello-Cook — Alicia Keys

20. Ilyena Lydia Mironov– Helen Mirren

21. Alphonso D’Abruzzo – Alan Alda

22. Michael Douglas – Michael Keaton    .

23. Dana Owens – Queen Latifah

24. Ramon Estevez – Martin Sheen

25. Natalia Nikolaevna Zakharenko – Natalie Wood

Bonus – Comdeian Albert Brooks was born with a famous name so he had to change it….His real birth name is……Albert Einstein.

There are more that will surprise you. You can find them at: https://thoughtcatalog.com/nico-lang/2013/08/55-celebrities-whose-real-names-will-surprise-you/  and also at: https://www.msn.com/en-us/entertainment/celebrity/50-celebrities-whose-real-names-you-never-knew/ss-AAERixp   Have fun!

What Is Our Real Name?

What Is Our Real Name?