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Tad Pole Honored to Receive AVN Awards Nomination

Porn NewsRising Star PR

Popular Everyman Up for ‘Niche Specialty Performer of the Year’

CHICAGO, IL – Tad Pole, owner of TadpoleXStudio, has reason to celebrate this holiday season. The popular pro-am producer, director, and performer has dreamed up the perfect life and stepped into it. And the word just keeps spreading, as girls share how much fun his sets are, how easygoing he and his crew are, and critics discover and become obsessed with his content. The whipped cream and cherry on top of this visualized sundae of success came in the form of a coveted nomination for the 2025 AVN Awards!

Tad Pole has been nominated for Niche Specialty Performer of the Year at the 2025 AVN Awards Show, slated for January 25, 2025, at Virgin Hotels in Las Vegas, Nevada. The nominees were announced last week at the AVN Awards Nominations Party, held at Avalon nightclub in Hollywood.

He was quick to share his heartfelt gratitude.

“It is a thrill for me to be nominated by AVN for Niche Specialty Performer of the Year,” Tad shared. “I must thank all the amazing performers that were willing to work with me. Obviously, without them, I would not be living this dream life with this dream job and getting awards nominations.”

This isn’t the first time Tad’s been told he’s different than the others. He credits his style and originality for his visibility, confiding that the best way to stand out from other creators is to lean into your authentic creative self.

“Since I started, people would tell me that they love my content and one of the frequent comments that I would hear was that I had a niche,” Tad continued. “You hear all the time in the industry that you need a niche to stand out with it being so easy nowadays for anyone to become a content creator. We are competing for sales with free porn on the Internet so it’s important to be doing something different. You know it’s a niche when you haven’t seen it before.”

Tad also expressed thanks to AVN, revealing he’s been a fan for years and can’t believe he’s on the other side of the looking glass now.

“Thank you AVN,” he added, “for recognizing all the hard work I put in with this nomination. Picking nominees with so many amazing performers in the adult industry today can’t be an easy task. I’ve been following the AVN Awards since 1989 when I began serving in the Navy. It is surreal to be a part of the AVN Awards now!”

For the list of nominees, visit https://avn.com/awards/2025_nominees.

See all of his amazing content now in 4K at https://www.tadpolexstudio.com.

Enjoy all Tad’s Virtual Reality XXX content at www.tadpoleVR.com.

Follow TadpoleXStudio on X at @TPXSmovies.

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