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ShopLyfter Amber Summer – Case No. 7906272 – The Riot Starters

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Shop Lyfter Amber Summer Case No. 7906272 - The Riot Starters

ShopLyfter Amber Summer Case No. 7906272 – The Riot Starters

New update from ShopLyfter is Amber Summer in Case No. 7906272 – The Riot Starters.

Case No. 7906272 – The Riot Starters
Amber Summer
Runtime: N/A
Release Date: Upcoming


Amber and her stepbrother Tony were in line for Black Friday, waiting anxiously for the doors to open. However, when the doors didn't open during the time advertised, Amber went mad with rage and threw a rock through the window, causing it to shatter and starting a riot; people began to break into the store and started stealing. Security Guard Jack quickly apprehended both Amber and Tony, leading them to the back office in order to ask some questions. When they checked their records and discovered that Amber had already been caught stealing at that store before, Officer Jack decided to call his colleague Clarke Kent to help figure out what to do with them. After a long discussion, Officer Kent decided to let Amber and Tony off with a warning, but made sure they knew that any further actions such as this would not be tolerated. From that day forward, Amber and Tony made sure to never cause any trouble again and instead decided to focus on their future. Yet Another ShopLyfter Amber Summer Porn Update. See it first on UpdatesZ.com

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